The easy way to insert HTML content in your Model-Driven App / Dynamics 365 Forms!

WWW XRM CustomLabels is a Power Apps solution that allows the creation and edition of custom HTML snippets that can easily be inserted in a Model-Driven App / Dynamics 365 form, dashboard or page.

A screenshot of WWW XRM Custom Labels used in a Model-Driven App form
Customize your Model-Driven App forms with WWW XRM Custom Labels


This solution is free and provided under the MIT License.

Getting started


  • Download the solution (see above)
  • Import the solution in a Dataverse environment
  • Add the Custom Label table to the navigation of an existing app
  • Ensure you give appropriate permissions to the Custom Label table
  • Publish all the customizations

Create and manage labels

Navigate to the Custom Label table to manage the HTML snippets.

A screenshot of the form used to configure a custom label
The Custom Label form


  • Name: used to identify the HTML snippet. This name is used when configuring the Web Resource that displays the snippet. A name should be unique unless you are working with multiple languages.
  • Locale ID: enter the LCID that corresponds to that label’s language.
  • Value: the content to display. You can either use the rich text editor or the HTML editor.

Configure the Web Resource

The labels are displayed thanks to a Web Resource provided with the solution. Therefore, a label can be displayed whenever a Web Resource can be used (a table’s form, a dashboard or directly within the app thanks to a link in the site map).

A screenshot of the dialog used to configure a WebResource showing the parameters that must entered to configure the Custom Label.
Web Resource general configuration
  • Web resource: select www_customlabel.html.
  • Name: unique identifier. You can enter whatever you want, this has no impact on the Custom Label.
  • Label: will be shown on top the label if you check the “Display label on the Form” option.
  • Custom Parameter(data): you must enter labelName={name} where {name} is the name of a Custom Label you have created.
A screenshot of the dialog used to configure the formatting of a web resource
Formatting options
  • Number of rows: it is very important to set the right number of rows depending of the content and the scrolling options. Unfortunately the “Automatically expand to use available space” option is not supported.
  • Scrolling: it is recommended to set the scrolling option to “As necessary” to avoid the content to be hidden in some situations.
  • Border: it is recommended to uncheck the “Display border” option for a better visual integration of the label with your form.